Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Have been caught up, jostled, tossed about, spun around, crushed and wrung out in the national psychosis that is Diwali.
An Irishman I was talking to said if you put Christmas, Easter, Hallowe'en, Guy Fawkes' Night, New Year, and any other celebration you could think of together, it still wouldn't add up to Diwali. I didn't do the sums, but I don't think he was far out in his reckoning.
You could feel it coming. The days leading up to the 23rd. Shopping, for cooking pots, motorbikes and pedal cycles, jewellery and saris for the women, new outfits for the men and boys. Sweets, cakes, decorations, fireworks... Diwali Night everyone took to the streets...The snaps don't show how incredibly NOISY it all was, or how the air in the alleys and passages of the town was almost unbreathable...

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