Still ten or eleven days to go, and I'm in to what I can only describe as The Long Goodbye.
I've never been much good at saying that word. Maybe it all goes back to early emotional insecurities and uncertainties. Who knows? But I do know I hold on to things. I am a hoarder - a collector of junk, a charityshopaholic in search of other people's cast offs. A Gatherer. And I'm not just talkin material stuff - books, pictures, ceramics. Intangibles like friendship, are in there too. So, for whatever reason, Goodbye doesn't come easy.
The idea of going travelling like this came at a time of crisis. La Grande Divorce, and the reasons for it. I wanted to run away from everything. I wanted to dive into chaos, I wanted to be outside every possible comfort zone - linguistic, social, cultural, everything. And ALONE. To wander lonely as a cloud, I suppose. (Though I've never been particularly fond of Wordsworth.)
So, you are really wanting to experience a bit of adversity, said Mr Starrock.
Yes, I said. But not too much.
(Because between then - that time of crisis - and now, Right Now, Life has Looked Up.)
It's a very different me that will be setting off for five months, from the one that was intending to run away for a whole year.
Interestingly, I'm finding the Goodbyes quite an enjoyable part of the process.
I have been to the garden centre on Stroud Road to get voilas to plant now, ready for my return in the spring. Some wallflowers too.
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