Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Handover

Bo's'n has gone to his new home. The introductory visits to Bedfordshire have paid off,  and he arrived to greet his new carers full of wag and excitement; by the time I left, he'd got his paws well and truly under the table... He's that sort of dog.

Tonight, back in Gloucester, the house feels empty.

At the time, I got full custody and since then Bo'ie and I have faced the world together - joined hip to haunch for almost six years. Access was never applied for.

So this  was the biggest goodbye, and after the photo shoot I just had to get in the car and drive away.

I didn't look back.


  1. Don't look back. Bo's'n will be fine. He will sit on his manners waiting for his dinner and will look at the photos you post on your blog. And he will welcome you back in March and will listen to all your stories.

    So, get packing, it's almost time to go.

  2. Have a great trip.
