Friday, 28 November 2014

and for one hundred rupees...

It's always a bit of a risk, goin public with creative stuff; sharing your art, your writing, anything. And since I'm what you'd call untrained, I'm usually in some doubt about the quality. So thank you, those who made nice comments about my previous post.  Much appreciated!

Today is the last day in Bodhgaya - so it had to be another afternoon at The Temple. With sketch book.

It was only as I was leaving that I noticed someone taking photographs with a tablet. So I asked Security, who suggested a payment of a hundred rupees...

With iPad retrieved from the consigne, I had about 45 minutes of rapidly fading light to snap away.
Most of the 20 or so pics show a quirky, personal view of The Temple Complex, but here are two of general interest. Where I sat yesterday.

Time now to repack the rucksack and move on. Setting off on a long train journey to Kolkata, arriving in the wee small hours of Sunday. So this will be the last for a while.

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