Thursday, 13 November 2014

Paper Moon

Andy Warhol didn't throw stuff away. Papers, that is. Bus tickets, laundry bills, magazines, were all put into a large  storage carton and once full, each box was sealed, numbered and stashed away. A few years ago, pre-QCC, I saw a Warhol show in Edinburgh. two or three of the boxes had been opened and their contents scattered tastefully in glass display cases. An ephemeral biography.

I have cardboard boxes stashed in the cupboard under the stairs in Gloucester. They have been labelled "Warning! May contain explosives!" Which ensures that one day someone will open them.
Meanwhile, the current box is receiving birthday, Christmas, greetings and holiday postcards, letters, theatre programmes, entry tickets to houses, gardens, and exhibitions.

India, I said, would be different. Breaking the obsession. An exercise in letting go. Collect nothing. And travel on light.

It was very difficult, but I have already got rid of a number of entry tickets to royal forts and palaces, including The Taj Mahal.

But what to do with the security pass into The Temple to attend the teachings given by HH The Dalai Lama?

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