Thursday, 20 November 2014

...and troughs

No. It wasn't good going back to Delhi. It was the place I'd received my first taste of the disingenuities of this country and pride had taken a bashing.
I recognised the feeling exactly. A teaching group that can tear you apart on a Friday afternoon, and you've got them again on Monday. The shadow of stress hangs over the weekend.
I think learning theorists call it a "specific phobia", but whatever the name, you still have to try and sort it... Easier said than done.

So that evening I replied to a friend's email. Decided to let it go viral, (ie blog it,) and set out for a night walk round the immediate neighbourhood and the closing hour of a big Sunday street market. Things were already looking up.
Next day decided to treat myself to a cycle rickshaw to The Mosque near The Red Fort, and a walk in The Ghandi Cemeteries. Not top of the guidebook lists of "things to do" but beginning to learn that I'm a funny bugger, and that what guide books tell you are the Must Sees are not necessarily the things that have most personal appeal... Beautiful lake, but look! No ducks!

That evening, happy to get the train to Varanasi. Top tier sleeping berth, which meant a night spent a good six feet above the carriage floor, with just a few inches between me and the ceiling, and only a couple of foot holds to reach it! Two other passengers snored beneath me. Fortunately still agile enough to climb up, but by no means easy.

Note to self. Try and book the bottom bunk in future...

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